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Christian Dating

Christian Dating

Why online dating?

Outside of church and work, it’s often difficult to find places to meet other single Christians — online Christian dating solves this problem. ExactDating is a Christian dating site and app where you can meet other Single Christians who are also looking for a relationship.

Easy ice-breakers

ExactDating makes it easy to break the ice. If you see someone you like on the app or web site, simply “wave” at them. It’s easy and free, and as you gain the confidence you can follow it up with a message. It doesn’t need to be hard!

Help when you need it

Our dedicated, award-winning dating support team are only a quick email away should you need help. We also have loads of advice covering everything from Christian online dating, relationships and faith by top Christian writers on our Christian dating blog.

Genuine single Christians

Our team work around the clock to keep you safe and ensure the site and app has 100% genuine and active members.

Dating events & free member-run meetups

ExactDating runs regular dating events where you can meet other single Christians in a fun, relaxed environment. You can also discover local events near you on our free dating meetup board, or create your own meetup! There are frequent gatherings in restaurants, bars, churches, museums or country walks.

christian dating

Join the leading online Christian Dating community

The ExactDating discussion boards are a popular way to share stories, advice and opinions about life as a single Christian. Every day Christians meet on the boards and discuss topics from Christian online dating experiences, church life, to current events. The website design had the vision of Christians in mind and it is safer for use anywhere anyhow. Exactdating is an expert when coming to client safety.

Lots of Christian Dating opportunities

  • Browse photos and profiles of single Christians in your area
  • Send waves and messages
  • Read and post on the discussion boards
  • Attend meetups
  • Be in the loop for Christian dating events
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